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One picture a day, taken in the same spot of my morning routine, every day. What make us humans shiver and withdraw. Sometimes we can only do just one thing, so I did. With the pop arty images of Marylin Monroe by Andy Warhol unconsciously luring in the…

Everything matters More written on the project See video 1 See video 2 When health leaves you alone, when energy is out of you, when you tried everything. In the worst of times, there is always something to grab on to, whatever it may be, hold on…

For my own sanity’s sake How low can energy go before death. When do I reach the meeting point of life’s end and the start of dead? I have been in the land of empty, I have seen, and I have felt, no more. I sank in-between there…

My little big sister who got lost within herself. I guess I never did, and I guess I never will understand why she took that very last devastating step towards never meeting her second grandson. While carving a life of memory in what remains, I am…

In the Trinity of the Dream, Illusion and Reality, this is the Dream Travelling the world of Google Street View as a clip doll. Letting the imagined truth of the photograph challenge the virtual reality. Exploring my dreams in relation to what I hold as true, it seems…

Someone stole my right to decide for myself, over myself. A man came and did me wrong when I was Just a Child, he forced his pain upon me, he will burn in hell, in some shape or form, but that won’t help me. I am not yet…