For my own sanity’s sake

How low can energy go before death. When do I reach the meeting point of life’s end and the start of dead? I have been in the land of empty, I have seen, and I have felt, no more. I sank in-between there I got to know my own meaninglessness, whom I had to befriend with the meaning of me. I have now made it to tolerable and with the meaning of me, I am on my way to life.

This is what I did

One image per day, taken on my phone, in the same spot of my morning routine, just looking straight in the camera, edited in Photoshop Express, mounted in a gallery of nine images. Quick decisions based on my feelings, about the image, about me, my situation, the world or about that exact moment in time.

When we struggle, with whatever fell in our lap, it can, at times be really harsh and difficult. I started this project because I felt life passing by without me really being in it, just kind of looking at it from the outside somewhere. I have so many dreams but running short in fulfilling them. So at least I have energy enough to do this simple little task for myself every day. If you are in a similar situation, I encourage you to start some small thing or project that will bring joy to your heart, something that will make you happy. For Your Own sanity’s sake.

Everything Matters II, Defined Box

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