In the Trinity of the Dream, Illusion and Reality, this is the Dream

Travelling the world of Google Street View as a clip doll. Letting the imagined truth of the photograph challenge the virtual reality. Exploring my dreams in relation to what I hold as true, it seems as I always want to be somewhere else, to fill my life with shiny dreams of places and events. The dream seems to distance me from what is real, but when planning my future, the limitations of my fantasy can become my own prison. Paradoxically, being attentive in the dream of myself might bring me the truth.

I am putting myself in the picture as a way of exploring limitations and boundaries, set both by society and myself. For as much as our social rules are meant to keep us together, they also alienate us. Likewise, I find it interesting how we place ourselves in relation to the surroundings and how that can change over time. Using ancient, old and modern technics of photography is my way of embracing the history and the present when creating the future.

By photographing myself with a medium format analogue camera, and as well print them in the colour darkroom I wanted to present a document of reality, but by cutting and pasting them on digital photographs taken of my screen surfing the streets of Marseille through google maps, I play a childish performance. I like how these two different techniques of photographing illuminate one another. It reflects the way our dreams can take us to fantastic places from, a rather, dull and ordinary reality.

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